Author Archives: herbasway

HerbaGreen Tea: What the Original Green Tea Concentrate Can Do For You

HerbaSway founder Dr. Franklin St. John discusses the health benefits of Herbasway’s special formula for HerbaGreen Tea.


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Blueberries vs. Free Radicals

“Free radicals are atoms or ions that are missing at least one electron from their outer shell,” Dr. Franklin St. John explains in Natural Awakenings. “When they enter your body, they steal electrons from your healthy cells and turn them into free radicals too. That process continues until the damage is so severe that health issues occur.


“With this in mind, I’d like to discuss anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants that is particularly effective in fighting free radicals. Anthocyanins are what make blueberries so beneficial to your health (and, incidentally, what give them their blue color). The level of anthocyanins in blueberries is very high, and scientific literature has confirmed their effectiveness in fighting free radicals.”

Read the whole article here. And get yourself a supply of HerbaSway Blueberry, to take advantage of these amazing health benefits for yourself!

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Can Chocolate be Good for Your Health?

Short answer: yes!

In this piece on ABC15, posted by the Mayo Clinic staff, the authors explain that

Chocolate and its main ingredient, cocoa, appear to reduce risk factors for heart disease. Flavanols in cocoa beans have antioxidant effects that reduce cell damage implicated in heart disease. Flavanols — which are more prevalent in dark chocolate than in milk chocolate — also help lower blood pressure and improve vascular function.

The problem with consuming chocolate is the additives manufacturers use to make the cocoa taste sweeter: sugar, milk, and so forth.

Most commercial chocolate has ingredients that add fat, sugar and calories. And too much can contribute to weight gain, a risk factor for high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. On the other hand, cocoa itself, unlike chocolate, is low in sugar and fat while offering potential health benefits.

Our Chocolate Guilt Free Formula is a liquid infusion of pure cocoa powder loaded with anti-oxidants. It tastes great, but doesn’t contain any of the bad stuff you find in chocolate bars. Great for children as a healthy addition to ice cream, yogurt, smoothies or wherever you want great chocolate taste without the calories.


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The Herbasway Story

Dr. Franklin St. John founded HerbaSway in 1996, inspired by his interest in traditional Chinese medicine. He wanted to go beyond the typical multi-vitamin pill and really focus on specific nutritional goals. After a great deal of research, he decided to develop liquid concentrates so that they were better absorbed into the bloodstream as well as easier and more enjoyable to take every day.

HerbaSway, maker of best-selling HerbaGreen Tea, now has 10 unique blends targeting different parts of the body using all natural ingredients. HerbaSway has also developed an all natural spa line as well as the All Natural Energy and a ready-to-drink shot, Last Round All Natural Hangover Support. Continue reading

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